Friday, April 20, 2012

Shock Wave by John Sanford

               Virgil Flowers #5

               Virgil Flowers, a very relaxed sort of detective, finds himself on the trail of a bomber.

               Pyemart, a large discount store (think Wal-Mart), has decided to build its next giant facility in a small town in Minnesota.  Before long someone sets off a bomb in its corporate headquarters followed quickly by an explosion at the construction site.

               Virgil Flowers is assigned the case. He hooks his fishing boat to the back of his pickup and heads into town.

               As with all good who-done-its, Flowers follows a myriad of leads, gathering facts and evidence, and at some point puts it all together to nail the bad guy. He manages this all between beers and fishing and naps.

                I really enjoyed this book. I laughed and gasped and had a couple of ah-hah moments right along with the characters. I look forward the Sanford’s next Virgil Flowers adventure.

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