Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quicksilver by Amanda Quick

               The Looking Glass Trilogy Book 2

               This is without question my favorite of the Looking Glass stories, although I’ve really liked them all.

               Quicksilver is set in the past as opposed to the other books which are set in the present. I think I enjoy the dichotomy of a Victorian lady being smart, talented and self-sufficient.

               The lady in question is Victoria.  She has the psychical talent of being able to see after images in mirrors. She makes her living doing mirror readings.

               Owen, the male lead, is a member of a family whose psychical talent allows them to see the trail of evil. And, they make their livings tracking it down and eradicating it.

               Victoria runs afoul of an evil doer who wants to kill her. Owen is following the trial of evil left behind, discovers Virginia, and saves her. Together they solve the mystery of the glass talent murders, evil destroys itself, and everybody apparently lives happily ever after.

               I must say that while this is billed as part of a trilogy, all three books leave enough questions, loose ends and fascinating characters to create a much longer series. Maybe Ms. Quick will indulge us with more of these stories. 

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