Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Death Comes To Pemberley by PD James

               I’ll start off by admitting I am not a Jane Austin fan. She is the author that created Pemberley. I only managed to listen to the entirety of Pride and Prejudice last summer while refinishing a houseful of woodwork. I’m not sure which part was more tedious – refinishing or listening.

               So it was with some trepidation that I approached Death Comes to Pemberley. I was pleasantly surprised. While I wouldn’t want to spend my whole life reading books like this one, the tale was quite engaging. Every time I had to put it down, I wished I didn’t have to. I was pleased with the character development and the plot twists. And, I liked that all the loose ends got tied up at the end.

               I think this would work as a standalone book, but am certain I found the characters and their relationships easier to follow having listened to Pride and Prejudice first.

               I’ll give this book a good recommendation. I am so glad PD James surprised and engaged me with her story.

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